I really hate it if I think someone doesn't like me. I just simply can't stand it if a person doesn't find me charming and the thought that someone might actually think I'm annoying or pesky is intolerable.
I don't mean it in any significant way, like if I have an opinion that differs from a person and they choose to not like me because of it, well, that's fine.
I mean more in a petty, superficial way.
So, right, we're at the first Duck's game last night with our new season tickets and our four seats are right next to...
He was making fun of me.
I would shout, "Yay, Ducks!" and he would say "Yay, Ducks!" and wave his hands around spastically. I would scream, "Get it out of there Perry," and he would say, "Perry!" in a girl-voice.
Alright, so he found my perfectly appointed enthusiasm irritating. I get that...but I just can't accept it.
I assume that he has season passes, as well. So, I will be sitting next to him every other game. I have made it my mission to make this mean, hog-the-arm-rest-guy like me. I can't help myself. I will go to great lengths to make sure people I care NOTHING about think of me in a favorable way.
For confessions 1-9 click here and PLEASE try to keep the shred of respect you still have for me intact after reading: Confessions.